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The Industrial Development Company of the State of Rio de Janeiro – CODIN was created in 1967 and is an anonymous mixed-economy company with indirect management of the State of Rio de Janeiro. The company is linked to the State Secretary for Economic Development, Employment and International Relations – SEDEERI and aims to develop actions that contribute to the expansion of business activity in Rio de Janeiro in partnership with other governmental and business entities, universities and technology centres.

Through its technical team, CODIN guides the investor when choosing the most appropriate incentive for his activity. As well as this, CODIN provides consultation in dealing with the procedures necessary to obtain these incentives and may act as a spokesperson for the investor with the State Promotion Agency – AgeRio which offers the most competitive lines of finance for working capital and fixed long-standing assets. CODIN will also work with the investor in dealing with other organizations that will analyse the project.

Through its business intelligence area, CODIN provides guidance to companies wishing to install or expand their activity in the state of Rio de Janeiro. We provide management information regarding the various socio-economic and logistical aspects of several regions and municipalities in Rio de Janeiro. The company is then able to select the rental alternative best suited to its operational, logistics and market needs.

In 2019, Codin required companies submit a consultancy letter that proves the effective implementation of a compliance policy within the following terms.

Companies with revenues above R$ 300 million within 180 days.

Annual revenues between R$ 4.8 million and R$ 300 million, with in one year.

Rio de Janeiro is the first state to make this kind of requirement. Verify in full the city ordinance that instituted this compliance program.

Missão, Visão e Valores 


Promover o desenvolvimento econômico e social do estado e municípios do Rio de Janeiro, em parceria e alinhamento com entidades públicas e o setor empresarial, através de:

  • Atração e expansão de investimentos;

  • Oferta de alternativas locacionais empresariais;

  • Solução de incentivos tributários e financeiros; e

  • Contribuição para formulação de políticas públicas de desenvolvimento econômico.


Ser reconhecido como importante agente na política de desenvolvimento econômico do estado do Rio de Janeiro tendo por foco a geração de empregos, renda e redução dos desníveis socioeconômicos inter-regionais. 


  • Aperfeiçoamento contínuo dos funcionários;

  • Transparência e publicitação das decisões que devem se pautar em critérios técnicos e éticos;

  • Foco no cliente: empresas e municípios;

  • Respeito diversidade de opinião, credo e orientação sexual;

  • Responsabilidade Socioambiental.

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Avenida Rio Branco, nº 110 - 34º Andar

Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ

CEP: 20.040-001


Seg a Sex - 09:00 as 18:00 hrs


Tel: +55 (21) 3858-9752


© 2024 - Todos os direitos reservados - CODIN - Companhia de Desenvolvimento Industrial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
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