Company of
Industrial Development
of the State of Rio de Janeiro

“First Brazilian Public Company Certified Anti-Bribery”

Rio de Janeiro is a plural state, in its territorial space several Rio de Janeiro coexist, each with specific socio-economic, ecological, cultural and climatic characteristics, the most of which is the Rio Metropolitano and, in particular, the city of Rio de Janeiro. Janeiro, a region that is characterized by its natural beauty, cultural activity and the excellence offered for the development of business activity.
However, the state also offers other Development Polygons with excellent conditions for business activity, these regions offer good infrastructure and logistics, enabling companies to quickly access the entire national and international market, in addition to offering excellent standards of quality of life and cultural and natural attractions. .
North Region Oil and Gas Polygon
We are a family owned and operated business.
Middle Paraíba Logistic Polygon
We are a family owned and operated business.
We are a family owned and operated business.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The State has five Development Polygons
In addition to having one of the largest oil production fields in Brazil, the Campos Basin, and hosting one of the largest logistics-industrial and energy port projects in South America, the Açu Port Complex, the Oil and Gas Polygon of North Region offers quality of life, translated into the excellence of its elementary, technical and university education network, in the various biomes that coexist in it, composed of the ocean, mountains, rivers and lakes, allowing the practice of numerous sports, besides offering attractions cultural and international cuisine.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The Açu Port Complex, located in São João da Barra, is a 21.0m deep water port, with nine terminals, offshore and onshore, including Minerals, Multicharges, Fertilizers, Oil, Fuels , Containers, Bulks, Naval Repairs, offering transshipment from board to board and a logistics park and integrated distribution and storage center. Currently, a thermoelectric plant with a capacity of 2.9 GW and a UPGN- Natural Gas Processing Unit with a capacity of 40 MMm3 / day is currently being implemented, and an Export Processing Zone is planned.
In Macaé, the Macaé Port Terminal will be implemented, aimed at meeting the demand of the industry to support oil and gas activities, which will have Petroleum, Fuel and Natural Gas Processing Terminals - UPGN
The hundreds of companies that gravitate around the oil and gas chain present in the region generate countless business opportunities in the commercial, service and industrial areas, not only in the sector's production chain, but also for the production of consumption demanded by the regional market which has high purchasing power.
If an analysis was made of the optimal business location for the development of business activity from the perspective of logistics and the consumer market, considering the triangle formed by the three largest consumption centers in the country, the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Belo Horizonte, the answer would certainly fall to the region included in the Logistic Polygon of the Middle Paraíba Fluminense. Taking the municipality of Resende as a reference, the Polygon is located 167 km from Rio de Janeiro, 272 km from São Paulo and 440 km from Belo Horizonte, with road and rail access to these consumption centers, in addition to being relatively equidistant from the ports. from Rio de Janeiro, Itaguaí, Santos and Tom Jobim, Guarulhos and Viracopos airports.
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The main industrial economic activities of Polígono Logístico are the automotive, mechanical and chemical metal sectors and agribusiness. Tourism is another representative segment with great possibilities to expand, given its proximity to the consumer market and the innumerable natural attractions offered by rivers and waterfalls, the diversity of fauna and flora present in the Serras do Mar and Mantiqueira, combined with sporting and cultural events against the backdrop of exquisite cuisine. For those who want to practice water sports, Polígono is close to Paraty and Angra dos Reis which has the largest Atlantic Forest reserve in Brazil.
The Costa Azul Business Polygon is economically multivocated, as it is both feasible for the development of business activities aimed at the oil and gas chain and the clothing industry in the beachwear line, as well as for tourism activities. Although economic vocations may appear to be conflicting, in fact they coexist in a complementary and environmentally sustainable way.
We are a family owned and operated business.
A region that has beaches with turquoise sea, lagoons and dunes such as those in the cities of Araruama, Arraial do Cabo, Búzios, Cabo Frio, Maricá, Saquarema and Iguaba undoubtedly offers numerous investment opportunities in the area of tourism.
We are a family owned and operated business.
In addition, the region is located between the Santos and Campos Basins, which are the largest oil provinces in the country, which means that numerous service provision activities geared to the sector are being installed in the region, among other aspects due to presence of Cabo Frio International Airport, which is transforming the municipality into a support hub for Petrobras' offshore activities. It should also be mentioned the municipality of Maricá as the gateway to the gas route 3 towards Coperj, a private group intends to build a port in the municipality to support maritime platforms, the project foresees the construction of a UPGN in the retro area benefiting the gas from the Santos Basin.
We are a family owned and operated business.
According to the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) between 2020 and 2024, the region will receive R $ 8.9 billion in oil royalties, the largest amount for a single region. These resources will be largely channeled to urban infrastructure, technological development and social area projects, with positive impacts on the HDI contributing to the development of new business projects.
Located on one of the most exuberant coastlines in Brazil, this Polygon has hundreds of islands, beaches with crystal clear waters and the largest fjord in the country, although recognized for its oceanic scenery, it could also be called the Atlantic Forest Polygon, in its mountains if finds the largest preserved forest area in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. This means that the region has a mountainous landscape that is nothing due to its beautiful coastline.
We are a family owned and operated business.
In addition to the above aspects, charming cities are added whose architecture and urban layout date back to the colonial era, diversified and quality cultural activities, international cuisine, water sports and those carried out in the mountains, a consolidated hotel service infrastructure in all links of the tourist chain. . This set of factors shows that the region offers numerous investment opportunities for activities that gravitate towards the tourist area, since, in addition, it is located in the largest Brazilian consumer market.
The Serrana Fluminense region is multi-vocationally entrepreneurial, as it is competitive in different segments of activities. It is locationally suitable for investments in the tourism area, as it has green areas, mountains and river rivers, which provide the practice of numerous outdoor sports, coupled with the cultural activity and high quality gastronomy offered. The same is true for projects in the agribusiness area, the region concentrates the largest production of horticulture and flowers in the state. Finally, it is worth mentioning the locational advantages that it offers for the industrial activity, the Mountain Region has one of the largest manufacturing, metal-mechanic and aeronautical repair parks in Rio de Janeiro. This all adds up to countless business opportunities in the area of providing services.
We are a family owned and operated business.
When installing in the mountain area, the company will be located in an equidistant region of the Campos Basin, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, south of Minas Gerais and east of São Paulo, in addition to having quality physical infrastructure and good logistics for access to markets located in its area of influence.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Last but not least, the region offers quality of life for investors, translated into the excellence of the health and education services offered, the cultural and leisure activities present and the presence of a green area, it has numerous forest reserves and biological.